Legal Tripwires & Demand letters

As a healthcare and FDA attorney, I’ve written demand letters for my clients involving various alleged acts of wrongdoing that they had to fight against. These demand letters can be very tough on [...]

Super friendly AI could reform human experience

Could we get a “super-friendly AI”—one that exceeds our musings of light, not our darker imagination?

Transcendence: Is AI Energy Healing Feasible in the age of Superintelligence?

While I can't claim Marvin Minsky as a mentor I knew personally, his work did influence me--particularly his suggestion that the us v. them version of humans and robots (or AI) in the movies is [...]

Is there a Moore’s law for law? Can healthcare and FDA laws regulate convergent, exponential technologies?

Is there a Moore's law for law? Can healthcare and FDA laws regulate convergent, exponential technologies?

An open letter to Superintelligence: AI, Blaze Humanity’s Path to the Cosmos

In this, an open letter to Superintelligence, my algorithm for AI is simple: to blaze humanity’s path to the cosmos by delving into the part of the human data stream known as spirituality.

Where healthcare policy & the future of humanity meet

Where healthcare policy & the future of humanity meet is at the intersection of technology and consciousness.

What does Consciousness have planned for us when the Singularity arrives?

Two trends are colliding: artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more pervasive with machine intelligence outpacing human intelligence, and consciousness is waking up. Which one will trump--or [...]

Superintelligence, Artificial Intelligence, The Singularity, & Life in the Universe

Today a client asked me, "are you worried about the drought?" I said, "No, I'm worried about AI eating the world."

Virtual reality in medicine and health will deepen our access to Spirit

Virtual reality in medicine and health will augment and expand our sense of reality - yet it's only a harbinger of deeper access to consciousness.

“A human birth is rare, and time is precious”

Birthdays, I believe, are really for the world – we celebrate what we give to others. It seems to me the best way for me to celebrate this birthday is to celebrate the meaning my life can have in [...]

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