Diverse healthcare legal needs require that law firms deploy specialized healthcare law guidance across multiple legal and regulatory domains

The healthcare industry is a complicated, multi-trillion-dollar gargantuan and require that a healthcare law firm deploy its specialized knowledge across multiple domains.

Numerous CBD Business Opportunities where Sales are Legal

The legalization of many CBD oil products has opened the door to many new business opportunities. It is critical to review how each product is manufactured, classified, branded, marketed, and [...]

3 FDA Legal Traps When Marketing your Dietary Supplement Product

Learn how to avoid these FDA legal traps when marketing your dietary supplement product.

10 Legal Tips to Stop FDA from Classifying Your Dietary Supplement as a Drug

Your dietary supplement products could be regulated as a new drug by FDA, unless you pay attention to these regulatory fundamentals.

The Shocking Truth About FDA Dietary Supplement Labeling: 3 Things You Must Know

As they say in Game of Thrones, “Winter is Coming.” It’s a grim statement that reminds everyone that ahead is nothing but snow and ice. When you’re preparing to launch your dietary supplement [...]

5 Mistakes in Dietary Supplement Labeling that Could Land you in FDA or FTC Enforcement Trouble

Many of our dietary supplement companies come to us with various mistaken assumptions with respect to labeling their dietary supplement products. Let’s talk about 5 key dietary supplement [...]

5 Ways Cosmetic Product Companies Can Comply with FDA Labeling Requirements & Help Avoid FDA Enforcement.

Cosmetic products do not require Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval unless they have color additives or unless the qualify as a drug, medical device, or dietary supplements. There are [...]

Should physicians, chiropractors, and other healthcare practitioners worry when they offer coupons for discounts to patients?

Naturally, like any other business model, augmenting one’s clientele may be a priority for medical and other healthcare practitioners. Is it legal to offer coupons and discounts?

The Legal Dangers Physicians Face When Working with Third Parties

Physicians regularly work with businesses who want the doctors to use their products. To encourage physicians to choose their practice over competitor practices, vendors often offer incentives. [...]

An Overview of Legal, Ethical, and Compliance Issues Governing Physician Relationships Doctors Should Know

Doctors need to understand the laws and regulations that apply to the way they bill for services, work with insurance companies, submit claims to the government, enter into business relationships [...]