What doctors, users, growers and others should understand about the passage of Prop 64 and Prop 215

Learn How California’s Adult Marijuana Recreational Use and Medical Use Laws Apply to You from an Experienced California Cannabis Lawyer

The Legal Dangers Physicians Face When Working with Third Parties

Physicians regularly work with businesses who want the doctors to use their products. To encourage physicians to choose their practice over competitor practices, vendors often offer incentives. [...]

Do Discounted Vitamin Shots Create Legal Risk of Enforcement?

Anti-aging and longevity medicine is everywhere these days. From California to Florida and everywhere in between, the health, wellness and beauty industry beckons people toward the promise of [...]

Can the MSO Legally Brand the name of a Medical Clinic?

If you have a medical management company (MSO), you might be wondering, can your MSO brand itself with the same name as the medical clinic, and even license the name to the physician that owns [...]