Regulatory compliance of cosmetics, diet, and CBD products including FDA misbranding and adulteration, FTC compliance, labeling requirements, and other legal issues.
Healthcare makers, distributors, and sellers must comply with FDA rules and warning letters for their cannabis, hemp, and THC products including foods, OTC drugs, cosmetics, and dietary supplements
Healthcare makers, distributors, and sellers must comply with FDA rules and warning letters for their cannabis, hemp, and THC products including foods, OTC drugs, cosmetics, and dietary supplements
More FDA answers to questions about cannabis-derived CBD drugs, foods, dietary supplements and food products including access to CBD for clinical investigations.
Questions and answers by the Food and Drug Administration regarding the regulation of CBD products for medical uses, for drug uses, use as dietary supplements, and for other uses.
Both the FTC and FDA are reviewing your web and print marketing materials. If you make unsupported medical and treatment claims about your CBD promotions, you will receive a warning letter.