Legal Considerations for Addiction Treatment Centers: Compliance and Patient Care

Legal Considerations for Addiction Treatment Centers: Compliance and Patient Care

Hi, I’m Michael H. Cohen. I’m founding attorney at Cohen Healthcare Law Group. We provide legal strategies and solutions to businesses that accelerate health and wellness.

In this video today, we’re going to talk about legal issues for addiction treatment centers. Addiction treatment centers. They’re growing all over the country, and they face some strict regulations that can require a bit of care.

So here are some strategies and a description of some of the central issues.

First of all, their host of state and federal laws that can apply. For example, there’s SAMHSA SAMHSA, which is a federal statute for such clinics, and we’ve helped clients comply with that statute. Also, we do a lot of compliance under HIPAA good communications, data systems.

Obviously, I’m going quickly just listing some bulleted items to just tell you there’s a lot to think about, and they’re two completely different statutes. Third, good intake forms and patient consent processes. Again, we’re moving from the federal statutes to state law. So there’s one more thing you have to keep in mind.

Sometimes these rules are not in a discrete area, but they’re a bit all over the map, so it helps to have a checklist.

Again, today I’m just giving you a smattering of what the addiction treatment centers face, but you want experience, you want somebody who knows the area, and you’re going to want at least a legal strategy session at the beginning to orient you to the issues that come up for addiction treatment centers and take you through and map out the scope of what We can do next to get you compliant and get your business launched or in good shape for the future.

If you’d like to dive deeper into any of the topics, we’ve talked about today, reach out to us, click below. We’d love to talk to you. We look forward to it.


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